18:06:12 From Max : Hi....I have no camera on my computer...also will have to jump as Chip has an IDA call coming in...busy day!!!@ 18:06:49 From Marci to Max(Privately) : How long can you stay on? 18:07:09 From Max to Marci(Privately) : about 20 min.. 18:08:07 From Marci to Max(Privately) : If you have any specific questions, type them in and we'll ask them so you can see. 18:10:22 From Max to Marci(Privately) : 3 18:17:25 From Marci to Chad Barger(Privately) : What is an ideal number of attendees to attract a sponsor? 18:20:19 From Marci to Chad Barger(Privately) : How do you make folks feel comfortable raising money on your behalf? 18:29:38 From Max to Marci(Privately) : sorry..need to go but will watch this ...glad you are recording....thanks 18:29:55 From Marci to Max(Privately) : Thanks for stopping by! 18:30:17 From Marci to Chad Barger(Privately) : For recurring donation, do you suggest monthly, weekly, biweekly? 18:50:45 From Marci to Chad Barger(Privately) : How do you get people to open the email when we all get so many on a daily basis?