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Education, The Arts
PPFF’s virtual book club continues in 2024!
The Book Club meets virtually the last Wednesday of the month from noon until 1. Grab your lunch and your book and join others in taking a deeper dive in both classic and new writings about nature, the outdoors, and adventure/travel writing.
Click to join by Zoom at:
Meeting ID: 812 6954 1177
Passcode: Fjm6R0
January: Smoke to See By: Knowing Nature in Northern Appalachia by Ben Moyer
February: Black Faces, White Spaces: Reimaging the Relationship of African Americans to the Great Outdoors. Carolyn Finney
March: Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation That Starts in Your Yard. Doug Tallamy
April: Finding the Mother Tree. Suzanne Simard
May: Living on the Wind: Across the Hemisphere with Migratory Birds. Scott Weidensaul
June: Susquehanna, River of Dreams. Susan Strahan.
July: Coyote America, A Natural and Supernatural History. Dan Flores.
August: Silent Spring. Rachel Carson.
September: On the Trail, The History of American Hiking. Silas Chamberlin.
October: Blue Highways. William Least Heat Moon.
November 20: Cradle of Conservation. Allen Dieterich-Ward.
December 18: My Side of the Mountain. Jean Craighead George.
(NOTE: Book club dates for November/December shift due to the holidays)