For the Foundation, stewardship begins with speaking up on behalf of big ideas and important issues. It’s the essence of “think globally, act locally.” The Protect Our Parks & Forests initiative grew out of the 2019 report on maintenance and infrastructure needs, “The Legacy of Pennsylvania’s State Parks and State Forests: The Future is in Our Hands.” A 2021 look at this issue in the form of a “story map” offers a more visual viewpoint to the effort.
See the Stewardship Successes already made possible through your support with a click to the Gallery.
View Accomplishments
Be A Voice
Our Take Action Center provides immediate access to your state representative and senator, as well as a look at the legislation we're watching and on which we need your support or opposition.

Protect Our Parks and Forests
A website dedicated to the Foundation's 2019 report, "The Legacy of Pennsylvania's State Parks and Forests: The Future is in Our Hands," provides the details of an over $1 billion need for infrastructure funding and improvements in these lands, including a story map visual distillation of the issue. Filling this need is a crucial part of our devotion to stewardship.

Trails and Trail Maintenance
How do you like to experience the journey? Pennsylvania's state park and forest trails offer a variety of choices - all of which can be supported by your caring and involvement. Find out more - about volunteering, using, and speaking on behalf of the many trails of Pennsylvania.

Return on Environment
What is the value of protected open space in Pennsylvania? A series of "Return on Environment reports" assigned an estimated monetary value to the services that protected open space provides for a county or region. Click to read intern Jason Lenker's review of the reports and access the reports themselves.

Year of the Trees
The 50th anniversary of Earth Day certainly didn't play out the way any of us expected. But we dubbed 2020 the Year of the Trees in support of the green beings that give us life. It didn't end in 2020.

Stewards of Penn's Woods
Our 20 state forests are big and the projects (and volunteer opportunities) are many. The Stewards of Penn's Woods offers a way for individuals, families, youth groups, senior organizations - anyone interested - to oversee important efforts in a special place.

Graffiti Busters
One of the first efforts through the Stewards of Penn's Woods was the eradication of a truly intimidating amount of graffiti at the geologically significant Hammonds Rocks in Michaux State Forest. From these efforts was born the "Graffiti Busters," who specialize in fighting back against vandalism.

Climate Action - Learn More
A key feature of the now-retired website was a compilation of resources and research on the issue of climate change. This crisis continues to evolve, but hope you find these resources valuable.

Help Stay the Invasion
Emerald ash borer. Wooly adelgid. Rock snot. Knotweed. Every day seems to present a new challenge to native plants and wildlife. Find out more about why they are a threat and, more importantly, how you can help stop their spread

The Spring 2020 onset of the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic changed so much in our lives. The horrifying death toll (still of great concern at the creation of this website) and measures taken to combat the disease's spread made us all incredibly cautious. It became a major focus of our work, as park and forest visitor numbers increased exponentially and we all just tried to navigate the challenges of a frightening illness.
Learn More

About Us
Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation (PPFF) began in 1999 as a statewide nonprofit organization to provide a voice for the Commonwealth’s 124 state parks and 2.2 million acres of forest land. With PPFF, citizens can donate or bequeath money to state parks and forests, become active and involved volunteers in the park and forest system, and find some fun and educational opportunities. We’re the official nonprofit partner of your state parks and forests. Be a part of the movement!

Friends Groups
Your special affinity for a specific park or forest means that a PPFF chapter friends group is the perfect outlet for your creative energy. Friends are people like you who volunteer their time, services and support to our state parks and forests. Chapters form for a variety of reasons but all understand the value of their state park or forest and share a common goal to make that park or forest the best in the commonwealth.

Volunteer Day
Team-building does not need to take place in a classroom or on a ropes course. Sometimes all it takes is a day of tree planting, invasive species removal, painting an education center, or removing litter from a beautiful Pennsylvania waterway. Your team will feel empowered!