
We are the official nonprofit partner of your Pennsylvania State Parks & Forests

Pinchot State Forest
photo by Colin Xu

We are a Pennsylvania nonprofit organization working to provide a voice for our 124 state parks and 2.2 million acres of forest land.

Wild Areas

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The Photo Contest

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Paint (or Color) by Number

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Upcoming Events

Friends of Beltzville: Walk with Ease

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Friends of Colonel Denning: Volunteer Day

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Friends of Nolde Forest: Creating Backyard Wildlife Habitats

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Share your photos on Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #PAParksAndForests

What a great event! Women in the Big Woods 2024 @French Creek was a great success. Thank you to the 45+ women, with an age range of 23 to 84, who came out and experience nature in a new way and built new friendships.

A shout out to all of the volunteer presenters who made the weekend possible, as well as the amazing staff at French Creek State Park and PPFF.

#WITBW2024 #WomenInTheBigWoods #PAParks #PAParksAndForests

The @NewtrailBrewing Beer stickers are here for Ohiopyle Beer! If you have tried the beer and would like the passport stamp, send us a self-addressed envelope with a note about which stickers you need (including past beers). Send your envelope and list to:

PA Parks and Forests Foundation
704 Lisburn Road, Suite 102
Camp Hill, PA 17011

Please note: these are NOT the regular passport book stamps. However, if you are missing regular passport stamps, you can also request them using the same process. Send a self-address envelope with a list of the state parks and forests you are missing.

It`s International Day of Clean Air! Stay informed and protect your health—check out GASP`s quick guide to understanding local air quality and learn how to protect your health from harmful pollutants - click on the link in the bio to learn more.

#AirQuality #PublicHealth #GASP

It`s read a book day and what better way to celebrate than jumping into the newest conservation book, "Cradle of Conservancy," by Allen Dieterich-Ward! Snag a copy from our online store by clicking on the link in the bio and selecting `online store`

PS: This is the book of the month for the PPFF Virtual Book Club in November

#Conservation #ReadABookDay #PagesInThePark #PAParksAndForests

Stop by tomorrow and see us at Varden Conservancy Tannery Tract for Friends of Varden Conservation and Heritage Day! We`ll be there from 10am-3pm.

#Conservation #Volunteerism #PAConservationHeritage #ConservationHeritage #PAParksAndForests

@PADCNR Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn popped in to say `hello` to PPFF Board Member Mary and staff while attending the SECA event Wednesday. If you are a state employee, there are many great charities and non-profits to support through your donations. Consider using PPFF`s favorite one -- #9200-0046 🌳

#Conservation #SECA #Pennsylvania #PAParksAndForests

It`s #NationalRecoveryMonth and spending time outdoors can help your mental, emotional, and physical health. Check out "The Role of Quiet" and learn how the sounds of nature can help you in your healing journey. Click on the link in the bio to watch.

#NatureSoothesTheSoul #ForestBathing #PAParksAndForests

Are you a Pennsylvania State Employee? Please consider PA Parks And Forests Foundation for your annual SECA donation. Please use #9200-0046. Your donations help to support the 124 state parks and 2.2 million acres of state forest across the commonwealth in our mission in conservation, education, and inclusion.

#PAParksAndForests #Conservation

As summer is winding down, don`t forget to submit your photos for the PA Parks and Forests Foundation Photo Contest! To see categories and rules, click on the link in the bio and select `photo contest`

#NaturePhotography #PhotoContest #PAParksAndForests #NaturePhotographer

Last chance for the opportunity to make your love of state park and forest conservation go a little farther! Join PPFF and get 15 months for the price of 12. Membership promo end today, August 31, 2024!

When you join PPFF, your membership helps support conservation, education, training, accessibility, and more in PA`s 124 state parks and forests! Snag a membership by clicking on the link in the bio!

#Conservation #PAParksAndForests #PPFF #StateParks #ILoveMyStateParks

Long weekend ahead? Grab the next book of the virtual book club and go outside and read - state parks/forest and hammocks not required, but encouraged 😉 September`s book is "On the Trail" by SilasAdam. Join us on Sept. 25 at 12pm EST. by clicking on the link in the profile and selecting "Book Club"

#ParkPages #ReadingInTheWild #PAParksAndForests #BookClub #OnTheTrail #OnTheTrailBySilasChamberlin #SilasChamberlain

Stretch your love for PA state parks and forests with an End of Summer Membership Promo! Your membership helps support our mission of conservation, education, accessibility, and inclusion. Things like building ADA playgrounds and boat launches, tree plantings, volunteer clean-up days, hands-hands on learning experiences, transportation for underserved areas, colorblind view finders, and trainings are all possible with members like you! Join us today by clicking on the link in the bio!

#Conservation #Volunteer #PAParksAndForests

Don`t forget to join us tomorrow for the Virtual Book Club! We`ll be discussing Silent Spring by Rachel Carson on August 28, 2024 at 12pm ESD. For more info and how to log on, click on the link in the bio and select "Virtual Book Club"

#BookClub #RachelCarson #SilentSpring #PAParksAndForests

Another stunning paint-by-number by Melanie Schwarz-Higgins! This month`s image was inspired by Timothy Swavely from Marsh Creek State Park. Download this and others by visiting the link in the bio.

#Paint #Art #Color #FreeActivity #FreeActivitySheet #Free #Conservation #paddleBoarding #OutdoorRecreation #Dog #MarshCreek #PAParksAndForests

Capture a great moment in a PA state park or forest? You can submit it to our annual photo contest! Submission deadline is Sept. 30, 2024. You can find the complete rules and how to submit your photos by clicking on the link in the bio!

#Conservation #naturephotography #PhotoContest #Pennsylvania