What’s your trail vibe? There are as many different kinds of trails in Pennsylvania’s state parks and forests as there are ways to enjoy them. Whether it’s a mountainside scramble that introduces you to the reason we’re called Rocksylvania by the outside world; a stroll along a stream; a long, peaceful bike ride; the chance to take your mobility challenged friend to the outdoors they “used to love;” or the chance to see some backcountry with your bestest horse friend, we have a trail for that.
In every season and in any weather, there’s a way for you to experience the journey.
There’s ALSO myriad ways to give back to the trails that bring you such great times. Volunteer with one of our friends groups. Sign on with the Stewards of Penn’s Woods. Sign up to be an “activist” and let the legislature hear of your support when we put out the call.
Your contributions help expand trail volunteerism across the Commonwealth.

From now until March 31, we’re taking a survey! What’s your favorite trail to …
Let us know and then we’ll poll for the Top Selection in each category. Our own little bit of March Madness.