About Us
Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation (PPFF) began in 1999 as a statewide nonprofit organization to provide a voice for the Commonwealth’s 124 state parks and 2.2 million acres of forest land. With PPFF, citizens can donate or bequeath money to state parks and forests, become active and involved volunteers in the park and forest system, and find some fun and educational opportunities. PPFF’s status as a registered charity allows chapter friends groups to operate on our public lands for the benefit of everyone.
Strategic Plan
Plan your work and work your plan. It’s a basic for the organized person or nonprofit. What do we want to do with our next five years?
Learn MoreBoard
Visionary. Dedicated. Engaged in the outdoors. And willing to devote an extraordinary amount of time and energy to the success of the Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation. That’s our board!
Learn MoreStaff
More than just a paycheck, working for a nonprofit allows employees to find fulfillment in a job that makes a difference. That’s our staff!
Learn MorePPFF Chapters
What do you do when you discover that the state park or forest you love needs help? You join – or form – a “friends group” to provide that help. It will be a lot of work but you will have fun, too.
Learn MorePublications
Check out our newsletters and annual reports, and some other goodies as well.
Learn MorePartners
“What we can’t do alone, we can do together.” And we’re able to work with some other terrific organizations.
Learn MoreAmbassadors
A special group of PPFF supporters have agreed to serve as Ambassadors, telling our story and making connections.
Meet UpSupport Our Work with a Planned Gift
Leave a legacy in support of the places you love with a planned gift to the Foundation. Find out more about our Conservation Legacy Society.
Legacy Society
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Our Work
Volunteers are the lifeblood of any nonprofit. Whether you’re a trailbuilder, a wildlife expert, an event organizer, or one of those special people who always say, “Just put me to work wherever you need me,” Pennsylvania’s state parks and forests have a role for you.
Find your niche. Make your voice heard with decision makers. Pitch in with a friends group. Work on your own or with your family, friends, and co-workers as a Steward of Penn’s Woods. Support any of the programs and initiatives we promote. You will be welcome as a volunteer. And it’s as good for you as it is for your state parks and forests!

About Us
Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation (PPFF) began in 1999 as a statewide nonprofit organization to provide a voice for the Commonwealth’s 124 state parks and 2.2 million acres of forest land. With PPFF, citizens can donate or bequeath money to state parks and forests, become active and involved volunteers in the park and forest system, and find some fun and educational opportunities. We’re the official nonprofit partner of your state parks and forests. Be a part of the movement!

Find Some Friends
Does your favorite park or forest have a group of volunteers working to make it the best it can be? Find out and get involved.