View all the ways you can give below.

Living Gifts

Mark a special occasion or holiday with a gift as meaningful as its intended recipient is special to you! Download a form and mail a check, order online through our store, or check out the options below. (Note that gifts of Education, History, Native Plants, and Recreation are aggregated into a separate fund and expended when sufficient money has been raised to make an appropriate purchase.)

  • A gift of RECREATION – Remember summer days spent on the playground? Support efforts to replace outdated playground equipment in state parks across the Commonwealth by contributing to the Leah Vogel Memorial Playground Fund, and build memories for the next generation of outdoor enthusiasts.


  • A gift of EDUCATION – Do you believe that lifelong learning is the hallmark of an engaged citizen (and the beginning of a lifetime of happy confidence in the outdoors)?  Your contribution supports programs and equipment purchases for hands-on learning by visitors to our state parks and forests of all ages.


  • A gift of NATIVE PLANTS -This gift is truly a living gift! Your contribution will help to purchase native plants, flowers and shrubs planted in state parks and forests, enhancing habitat, creating plant screens, controlling erosion, educating visitors, and cleaning air. That’s a lot of good stuff, because plants DO a lot of good stuff! Visit the native plant garden at Loyalsock State Forest to see a project supported by your generous gifts.Choose from the following:
    Flowers … $10
    Shrub … $35
    Tree … $50


  • A gift of LEGACY -Help support the work of the Foundation and become a part of the ever-growing chorus of parks and forests supporters. They need your voice and so do we!
    Give a gift of membership in Pennsylvania Parks & Forests Foundation … $25
    Or, make a donation to PPFF … this gift of support from you, or in a friend or family member’s name, helps us to continue our work across the state.


  • A gift of HISTORY -The “boys” of the Civilian Conservation Corps made an incalculable impact on Pennsylvania and the nation. The structures they built and the legacy they left behind can be supported by adopting a CCC structure. All donors receive an adoption certificate.
    Adopt a Structure … $250


  • A gift of SAFETY – While you may not think of park and forest staff as first responders, they quite often ARE the first on the scene of an accident or incident. Aggregate your donation as part of a pool to purchase needed equipment and supplies.
    Safety Equipment  … $75


Special Funding Initiatives

Some people like to give gifts of general support and some are excited by a very specific campaign with a distinct beginning, middle, and end. Many of the parks and forests are home to a special project looking for support, be it the projects aligned with our partnership with New Trail Brewing Company or a “special funding initiative” that tackles specific problems (big and small). Click the links to learn more.

Memorial Gifts

People impact our lives in many ways, perhaps by guiding you to your love of Pennsylvania’s public lands. Mark a special achievement or the passing of a mentor with a gift as meaningful as the person who inspires it. Use the button below to download a form to mail in or make an online gift with a click to

Tribute Form


Workplace Giving



Take advantage of one of the easiest and most convenient ways to support PPFF. You can make a gift to the Foundation by payroll contribution through EarthShare’s workplace giving program at numerous private companies and many state and municipal government organizations. Contributions to EarthShare support a broad range of charities committed to protecting public health and our air, land, water and wildlife.

The Pennsylvania Parks & Forests Foundation is a member of EarthShare, a nationwide federation of the country’s most respected environmental and conservation charities. To find out more about how you and your workplace can support PPFF through an EarthShare charitable giving campaign, please contact Marci Mowery via email or phone at 717.236.7644You can also visit EarthShare’s web site. 

Gifts, Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, IRA's

You can give a gift of stock, bonds, or mutual funds to support the work of the Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation while receiving a charitable deduction for the fair market value and avoiding capital gains taxes. Before making this type of gift, please check with your financial advisor to find out what the tax benefits are given your particular situation. To make a gift of stock to PPFF, please contact Marci Mowery via email or phone at 717.236.7644.

Planned Giving

Helping to leave a legacy through a planned gift to PPFF is a wonderful way to ensure that the work of the Foundation continues to grow and expand into the future. Visit this special section of our website to learn more.