All Categories▾
- All Categories
- Cycling
- Earth Day
- Education
- Entertainment
- Festival
- First Day HIke
- Fishing
- Friends Meeting
- Fundraiser
- Health & Well-Being
- Healthy Lands Week
- Hiking/Walking
- Latino Conservation Week
- Music
- National Public Lands Day
- National Trails Day
- Presentations
- Recreation
- Running (Competition and Fun)
- The Arts
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Walk in Penn's Woods
- Water Sports
- Women Outdoors

Entertainment, Festival
Join the Friends for a two-day family-oriented event with live music, craft & food vendors, history demonstrations, pumpkin carving, scarecrow making, and the pumpkin float and legendary story of the “Hairy Hand” at Fuller Lake. Most activities are free. Volunteers are needed: email
The Friends can be found on Facebook and their website. Stay in touch!