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Volunteer Opportunities
Spend a little time on Memorial Day weekend by giving back to your favorite places!
The May Volunteer Project will begin at 9:30am and we will be organizing into three groups and tackling the following projects in preparation for the Tuscarora Summer Festival:
- Paint Shed – Bring a paint brush and help paint our new shed! Jim will lead this group.
- Garden Clean Up at Tuscarora Visitor Center – Bring rakes and clippers. Wear gloves. We will be weeding, clearing leaves, trimming hedges, etc. Sharon will lead this group.
- Beach Clean Up at Tuscarora State Park – Bring rakes. Jerry to lead this group.
There will be additional tools available but please bring work gloves, wear appropriate footwear, and dress for the weather. If you have rakes, shovels, buckets etc. you may bring them with you.
Check out the Friends’ website for opportunities for sponsorship, donations, or to volunteer! Follow the Friends’ Facebook page to like & share updates.
Website: http://bit.ly/FriendsofTLL
Donate: http://bit.ly/donatetofriendsoftll
Sponsorship: http://bit.ly/TLLSponsorship
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FriendsofTLL