Late in 2022, Marci’s husband Joe discovered a time capsule while campground hosting at Fowlers Hollow State Park. In the bottle was the camp tag for Labor Day weekend 1973 ($6 for three nights!) and a message, written in five different hands, on a paper plate. Despite forgetting some critical items, the Moore family of York seems to have had an enjoyable time nearly 50 years ago.

Person 1 – Weather very hot, 3 90 and above degree temperatures.

First and only camping trip of the year. Joel stayed home. This trip we forgot more than any other time:

  1. Toothbrushes (ugh)
  2. Razor
  3. Hammer
  4. Soap
  5. Saw and shovel
fowlers hollow note and bottle

The bottle and its note

(Take note all before departure!)

Donna forecast a long, cold and snowy winter ahead.

Person 2 – Had the same luck with neighbors—noisy and late. We will have to do something about next year to get a better campsite. Had good fishing. Leonard

Person 3 (child’s handwriting) – I saw a lot of dear (sic) at night with a light. Steve

Person 4 (child’s handwriting) – Went swimming at Col Denning. It was all weedy at the bottom. Got cut. Saw some deer. Christa

Person 5 (child’s handwriting) – I had plenty of fun just being with the Moore family and hope that I am lucky enough to be along next year. Steph

It’s a great story, isn’t it? WGAL-TV in Lancaster certainly thought so. And because of their interest (and the story they ran on February 24th), the Moores contacted us and we reunited them with their bottle! Click the pictures below to see the first story and the reunion story.

wgal fowlers hollow screenshot

Pennsylvania’s parks and forests are good for human physical, mental, and emotional health and, as these wonderful memories show, they connect us to each other.

These memories—or reflections—are part of our theme in 2023. Defining reflections in the broadest sense, we will continue to capture your stories of why these places are important as we strive for more public investment in all that is needed to keep them available for today and future generations.

moore reunion at fowlers hollow

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Fowlers Hollow Discovery Brings Joyful Fowlers Hollow Memories