Leadership positions in Friends Groups often go wanting for lack of willing volunteers. Of course, volunteers are always needed but your special skills may fill a role that is Uniquely You!
The following are good faith estimates of skills required and time commitments involved.
Board of Directors:
The board of directors serves as the guiding arm of the organization. Working with PPFF and the park manager/district forester, the board will establish short and long term goals that meet the needs of the park/forest and fall within the skill sets of volunteers (or skill sets that could be developed through training).
Members serve as decision-makers; help keep the group moving forward. Need at least three; may have as many as 15 (which is pretty unwieldy in terms of gathering a quorum to meet).
Most boards meet once a month, either in person or via Zoom. Recommended meeting length UNDER 90 minutes.
Officers: Serve a one-year term, with option for renewal at end of each term.
Chief Executive Officer for the Friends – builds agenda, runs meetings, assumes primary responsibility for working with the park manager/district forester in accomplishing the goals of the group and the park/forest. As the chair sets the tone, a team player with strong leadership skills and the ability to run a meeting is beneficial.
Anticipated Monthly Time Commitment: 8 hours
Vice Chair:
Assumes the role of Chair in the absence of the Chair. As the vice-chair runs the meetings in place of the chair, the vice chair helps to build the team and relationships within and outside of the board.
Anticipated Monthly Time Commitment: 4 hours
Takes minutes of meetings and disperses to board, Park Manager/District Forester and PPFF; may also be responsible for “outside communications” like member mailings and newsletters. Helpful to have computer and organizational skills.
Anticipated Monthly Time Commitment: 4 hours
Handles bookkeeping duties for the group following the PPFF financial protocols; transmits checks and payment requests to PPFF office. Attention to detail and ability to follow protocols a must for this position.
Anticipated Monthly Time Commitment: 7 hours
Key Additional People (Not Necessarily Board Members):
Social Media Coordinator:
The prevalence of social media today means that this position is a crucial one for sharing the group’s message with the community. Nearly everyone in your neighborhood will have an Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or The Next Big Thing account and will use it to find out how to be involved in a volunteer activity or find something fun to do. The advantage for the person filling this slot is the ability to perform the task from anywhere there’s an internet connection!
Anticipated Monthly Time Commitment: 3.5 hours
Committee Chair:
Committees are formed as necessary; chair keeps the committee on track and reports back to the full board
Anticipated Monthly Time Commitment: Dependent on nature of committee
A crucial part of any chapter’s success! You need and want as many involved and active supporters as you can find. Whether you utilize a dues-paying structure or not, your “members” come to your events or lend a hand to your volunteer days. Be sure you are communicating with them REGULARLY via email or a quick printed hand-out.
Anticipated Monthly Time Commitment: 2 hours
Friends of Colonel Denning – Board Members
Friends of Pinchot – Membership Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator