Judges Awe CareyFritz.Awe.ClearCreekStatePark

Category: Awe. Carey Fritz. Clear Creek State Park

Judges Beyond the Edge HollyAprilHarris.beyondtheedge.ohiopyle

Category: Beyond the Edge. Holly April Harris. Ohiopyle State Park.

KODAK Digital Still Camera

Category: Leap in to New Experiences. Gloria Benfer. Shikellamy State Park.

Judges LI Lesser Known colingillette.leapintothelesserknown3.mountpisgahsp

Category: Leap in to the Lesser Known. Colin Gillette. Mount Pisgah State Park.

Judges LI Volunteerism MaureenDwyer.LeapIntoVolunteerism.PresqueIsleSP

Category: Leap in to Volunteerism. Maureen Dwyer. Presque Isle State Park.

Judges Youth AndyZhang.YoungPhotographer.FrenchCreekSP

Category: Young Photographer. Andy Zhang. French Creek State Park.

best in show hilary schabel sproul state forest

Best in Show. Submitted to Beyond the Edge. Hilary Schabel. Sproul State Forest.