Dear readers, thank you for taking the time to follow us as we all navigate this new landscape together. As the landscape continues to change, we will be here with and for you, doing what we can to make your day a little bit brighter and providing you with information as we receive it. We are working remotely and at reduced hours, but we will remain attuned to your needs, and those of parks and forests. Even as I write, I am finalizing comments on policies that could impact our favorite places.

As Pam mentioned, it became apparent just how important our parks and forests are to us when it appeared we would not have access to them. These special places are so important to our physical, mental and emotional health! Even if your schedule/childcare/location does not permit you to spend time in the parks/forests at this time, you may find some stress relief by holding an image of your favorite place in your heart.

And while you are holding your heart, please consider looking outside of your home to others in need: perhaps an elderly neighbor needs groceries when you make a run or consider donating blood, which is in critically short supply. Joe and I donated blood today and the staff was very conscientious with their safety protocol.

Helping others also helps us by giving us a “helper’s high”: it releases endorphins which, in turn, improves mood and boosts self-esteem. And can’t we all use a little boost right now?

Yours in the Outdoors,

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In difficult times, carry something beautiful in your heart