MAY 12, 2016

Tuscarora State Forest wins 2016 Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Award
(Camp Hill, PA) – The Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation (PPFF) today recognized the outstanding stewardship of Pennsylvania’s state park and state forest systems by Tuscarora State Forest, awarding them the 2016 Forest of the Year Award. This year’s award is sponsored by Saul Ewing.
The Tuscarora State Forest (TSF) is accomplishing the Bureau of Forestry’s mission to ensure the long-term health, viability, and productivity of the 96,006 acre state forest and the wild plants it holds. The TSF enjoys a vibrant forest management operation while incorporating a healthy wildlife habitat management effort.
Some key accomplishments of the Tuscarora State Forest include:
• Developed a successful recycling program
• Assisted in the documentation of golden eagles in Pennsylvania
• Replacement of eleven bridges
• Development of the Doubling Gap Recreation Plan
• Guinness Book of World Records holder for planting 3,366 trees in one hour
Tuscarora State Forest was honored at PPFF’s 10th annual awards banquet on May 11, 2016 at the West Shore Country Club in Camp Hill, PA.
Other 2016 PPFF Award Winners:
Cliff Jones Keystone Legacy Award: Rob Wonderling
Joseph Ibberson Government Award: Penn Nursery
President’s Award: Greenwood Furnace State Park Complex
Park of the Year Award: Gifford Pinchot State Park
Volunteerism-Improvement Award: The Ridge Runners of the Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail
Volunteerism-Individual Award: Stephen Smetana
Volunteerism -Group Award: S.O.N.S. (Save Our Native Species) of Lake Erie, Presque Isle State Park
Volunteerism -Education Award: Pamela Karhan, Cherry Spring State Park

About the Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation
Founded in 1999, the Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation supports 120 state parks and 2.2 million acres of forest by coordinating volunteers, activities and donations through its 40 chapters. The mission of the foundation is to inspire stewardship of Pennsylvania’s state parks and forests through public engagement in volunteerism, recreation, and conservation. @PaPFF

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Tuscarora State Forest wins 2016 Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Award