On March 29th, PPFF joined 210 other outdoor organizations in a letter to the US House and Senate Appropriations Committees to encourage federal funding for trails on federal lands including National Forest, National Park, National Wildlife Refuge, and Bureau of Land Management properties.
Among other requests, the letter asks that funds be set aside in the budget to address the ongoing maintenance backlog (sounds familiar) on these assets, that Volunteers in Parks programs be supported, that the Land & Water Conservation Fund be fully funded as promised, and that the new 21st Century Conservation Corps be supported and utilized.
Please take a moment to write to your own representative and Senators Casey and Toomey to encourage their support of our national trails systems.
The Honorable Robert P. Casey, Jr.
393 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 205110
The Honorable Pat Toomey
248 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510