Camp Hill, PA –The Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation (PPFF), the only non-profit whose mission is Pennsylvania’s state parks and forests received funding from Pennsylvania Environmental Council to support accessible walking paths and educational opportunities at Lackawanna State Park.
The project will ensure a safe and accessible walking path within Lackawanna State Park by repaving the existing path. The trail helps to promote healthy outdoor activities, open to people of all ability levels with a special focus on disabled and aging populations.
“Pennsylvanian’s rank walking as one of their favorite outdoor activities,” said Marci Mowery, President of the Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation. “Aside from providing social time when walking with family and friends, research shows that walking can help to reduce the risk of lifestyle related diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease, while also easing the pain of arthritis.”
“Our walking path runs along the lake as it transits the main body of the park and it is one of the most heavily used areas within the park,” said Rob Barrese, Park Manager at Lackawanna State Park. “From our everyday walkers to the first time visitor, this project will benefit thousands of visitors annually.”
The trail paving and grass seed planting is expected to be completed in July 2019 with environmental educational activities to begin in August 2019, running through October.
The Healthy Outdoor Activity Enhancement for Lackawanna State Park was financed in part by a grant from the Community Conservation Partnerships Program Environmental Stewardship Fun under the administration of the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation administered through the Pennsylvania Environmental Council’s Pocono Forests and Waters Conservation Landscape Mini Grant Program. These funds match funds already received by the Scranton Area Community Foundation and some funding from park operations.

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