Corporate Partnerships
Do you do business in Pennsylvania? If so, chances are good your employees (and perhaps you) enjoy the benefits of our free state parks and forests system.
The Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation welcomes the participation of businesses and corporations in supporting our work and the great things being done in our parks and forests every day. How can your business become involved? You can make a donation, sponsor an event, fund an item on the Needs List, or become a corporate member.
With state parks or forests within reach of all major communities in Pennsylvania, there are many opportunities for businesses and non-profits to support PPFF’s efforts.
Find your business gratefully listed among those who have provided support or sponsorships to our efforts.

Educational Income Tax Credit (EITC)
Does your business believe in the power of education? Of course you do! The EITC program allows you to earn tax credit for your investment in smarter kids. A win-win!

Volunteer Day
Team-building need not take place in a classroom or on a ropes course. Sometimes empowerment comes in the form of a day of tree planting, invasive species removal, painting an education center, or removing litter from a beautiful Pennsylvania waterway.

Parks and Forests Needs
Nearly every park or forest in the system has placed a “need” in our spreadsheet of pending projects. These needs can be as simple as purchasing bird seed for the feeders used for environmental education programs to replacing antiquated lighting in public spaces. Whatever the need, there’s a potential partner who can fill it. Might that be your company or organization?

Corporate Membership
The Pennsylvania state parks and forests play an important role in your quality of life and that of your employees. Support them with a membership in the Foundation. Each membership level offers the opportunity for your business to be recognized. Find out more and join.
Support Our Work
Stewardship. Education. Recreation. Volunteerism. Does one area resonate with you more than all the others? Your financial support of the Foundation directed to that special mission will help make great things happen.
Donate NowLearn More

Our Work
Volunteers are the lifeblood of any nonprofit. Whether you’re a trailbuilder, a wildlife expert, an event organizer, or one of those special people who always say, “Just put me to work wherever you need me,” Pennsylvania’s state parks and forests have a role for you.
Find your niche. Make your voice heard with decision makers. Pitch in with a friends group. Work on your own or with your family, friends, and co-workers as a Steward of Penn’s Woods. Support any of the programs and initiatives we promote. You will be welcome as a volunteer. And it’s as good for you as it is for your state parks and forests!

About Us
Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation (PPFF) began in 1999 as a statewide nonprofit organization to provide a voice for the Commonwealth’s 124 state parks and 2.2 million acres of forest land. With PPFF, citizens can donate or bequeath money to state parks and forests, become active and involved volunteers in the park and forest system, and find some fun and educational opportunities. We’re the official nonprofit partner of your state parks and forests. Be a part of the movement!
Protect Our Parks and Forests
A billion dollar need for our state parks and forests. With the support of the Richard King Mellon Foundation, that was the conclusion of The Legacy of Pennsylvania’s State Parks and Forests: The Future Is In Our Hands. Read the report and find out more at For our health, our economy, and our future.