Dragonfly Pond – Yellow Creek State Park
Photo by Dennis Woytek
Feedback on the new Fridays set-up was overwhelmingly positive. I did note the suggestion for a slightly larger, darker font. As the possessor of aging eyes myself I can understand the need. Hopefully, this works!
I have had a couple of people tell me that now that they go directly to our “News” page (which we refer to as the “blog” and probably confuse people) they have been poking around a bit more in the website. Please do let me know if you click a link and it goes nowhere. As Marci said a few days ago, there are literally hundreds of links that had to transition from the old site to the new and we can’t guarantee that everything has the proper destination. BUT one thing you will notice is that we are adding guest blog entries on what we hope is a regular basis. Our first is from Stephanie Larson at Keep PA Beautiful on the hazards of dumping tires. They are not JUST unsightly.
I thought I would be such a clever gal and that using the blog entry as a Take Five template I could use the full panorama of Dr. Dennis’s shot at Yellow Creek State Park as the masthead with plenty of room to spread out. Unfortunately, the featured image is restricted in size by the design of the website. So you’ll have to give a click to the “Photo by” credit above to see the lovely look at spring colors.
Pam Metzger, Membership Coordinator
Pennsylvania Parks & Forests Foundation
Please join us on Wednesday evening for a virtual celebration of our COVID-19 Champions. Beginning at 6:30 PM, this video salute features remarks from Brad Mallory, our board Chair; Cindy Dunn, the Secretary of DCNR; and Tina Molski, our Board Vice Chair and Director of Operations at REI-Bedford. The special guest presenter is Dr. Michael Suk of Geisinger Medical Center. Dr. Suk was among the earliest proponents of actively linking time in the outdoors to improved health.
Everyone is welcome to sit in on the presentation on either our Facebook page or YouTube channel. So please join us if you can.
The following week is, you’ll recall, the actual anniversary of the signing of the Environmental Rights Amendment, and PPFF is pleased to join with WITF/State Impact Pennsylvania for a special screening of documentary clips featuring the history of the passage of the amendment. Following the screening, a panel discussion with DCNR Secretary Cindy Dunn, amendment author Franklin Kury, Rafiyqa Muhammad of the Harrisburg Environmental Advisory Council and DEP Environmental Justice Advisory Board, and Emma Olney from the Governor’s Youth Council for Hunting, Fishing and Conservation and Wildlife Leadership Conservation Ambassador gives viewers the chance to learn more about why and how the amendment was created and, just as importantly, what it means for all Pennsylvanians today. Register to join the event at the WITF website.
A few weeks ago we had a “work in progress” shot of the new playground at Samuel S. Lewis State Park (funded by Harley Davidson Foundation, the Anne & Philip Glatfelter III Family Foundation, and other generous donors). Here (to the left) is the completed, hop-on-it-because-it’s-spring, finished product. Isn’t this an incredible setting?
On that same playful subject, last February, just before the world turned upside down, our PPFF World turned a little bit upside down when we received a very mysterious donation to be put toward the Needs List at Blue Knob State Park. We were never able to determine the source of the money; however, that donation has now been put to very good use with the construction of a beautiful new playground for the park. (Shown to the right.) Thank you, Anonymous Benefactors, and everyone who donates to the Needs List projects.
Do you enjoy observing wildlife? If so, consider joining in on the State Parks BioBlitz throughout the month of May. Six central Pennsylvania parks are participating in a project to count all the diverse species from the biggest to the largest. What will you see at Boyd Big Tree Preserve (Dauphin), Codorus State Park (Hanover), Joseph E. Ibberson Conservation Area (Halifax), Kings Gap Environmental Education Center (Cumberland), Little Buffalo State Park (Newport), and Trough Creek State Park (James Creek)?
Perhaps your observations will be of migrating birds. Saturday is World Migratory Bird Day in the Americas, with a focus this spring on bird song and the power of flight. Check out the video featuring the 2021 WMBD artist Sara Wolman anad the theme, “Sing Soar Fly – Like a Bird.” I like when she notes (in encouraging us to observe the birds right outside our windows): “Think about their journey and what other people have observed about that very same bird.”
Quick reminders that we have reopened the search for a Public Engagement Coordinator here at PPFF. And we are seeking two paid interns (bilingual English/Spanish) for either Jacobsburg or Nolde Forest Environmental Education Centers. Share the attached position description please.
Give a click to the photo to go to its original, larger format.
Here’s a beauty by David Miller of MyHikes.org as shared to Exploring PA Parks & Forests. He took a trip with Alvie of Austin on a trek through the Dutlinger Natural Area of the Susquehannock State Forest. This is Alvie measuring the “largest hemlock within the Dutlinger Natural Area … 150 inch circumference; 3.955-foot diameter old growth hemlock.” The trail description will be valuable to hikers! Thank you, Dave.
Blue sky. Green grass. Puffy clouds. Who can resist? Certainly not Rhonda Ginter along the shore at Prince Gallitzin State Park. Another clickable vertical.
This April 21st shot by Brian Berchtold as shared by the folks at Presque Isle State Park basically sums up the spring. Green. White. Rain. Sun. Worth a click and definitely a great jigsaw puzzle.
My favorite entry from last week’s silly question about naming Dr. Rothrock’s dog comes from our good pal, Mary G. “I think it should be Patience. It looks like she/he is waiting for Mr. Rothrock to get finished with whatever he is doing, so they can continue their hike.” Agreed! The world weary look of a beagle. And no one knew what the dog’s name really was.
Nevertheless, the month wraps up with a winner randomly chosen – Deb from Murrysville. A prize will wing its way to her.
We are in a new month and it’s National Bike Month, saluting my favorite form of exercise and entertainment. Let’s think back – way back – to the first recognized “bicycle.” What was probably its most distinguishing characteristic?
Enter each week to increase your chances of a fabulous prize at the end of the month when I’ll draw one entry from all correct answers received during the month.
Happy Mother’s Day Sunday!
Pennsylvania Parks & Forests Foundation (PPFF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization – contributions to which are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. The official registration and financial information of PPFF may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling, toll-free within Pennsylvania, to 800.732.0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
Copyright © 2021 | Pennsylvania Parks & Forests Foundation | All rights reserved.
Pennsylvania Parks & Forests Foundation
704 Lisburn Road | Suite 102 | Camp Hill, PA 17011 | 717.236.7644