For additional information, contact Marci Mowery at 717-236-7644 or [email protected].
Jessica Lee is passionate about leadership, words, and the outdoors.
As a Managing Director at CRA | Admired Leadership, she brings with her 10 years of experience in strategic communication and leadership development.
Jessica graduated from Rutgers University with a B.A. in English Literature and History, is an alumni member of the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, and serves as a member of the Board of Trustees for the Philadelphia Youth Orchestra Music Institute.
An outdoor enthusiast, Jessica completed a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail in 2015.
“I am incredibly proud of Pennsylvania’s Parks and Forest system. We have a rich environment, a growing culture of conservation, and a vibrant and diverse outdoor community,” Jessica said.
“I’ve always been proud to be part of that community as an avid hiker and outdoors-woman, and now I am excited to take this new and even more active role as a member of the Board of Directors.”
The volunteer board of directors of the Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation provides strategic leadership to achieve the mission of inspiring stewardship in Pennsylvania’s state parks and forests.
“Jessica brings a wealth of knowledge with her to the board of directors,’ said Marci Mowery, President of PPFF. “In 2016 she provided pro-bono services to help us improve our internal and external communication, a generous gift of her time and talents.”
About the Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation
The Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation supports 124 state parks and 2.2 million acres of forest by coordinating volunteers, activities, and donations through its 48 chapters. The mission of the foundation is to inspire stewardship of Pennsylvania’s state parks and forests. To learn more about PPFF, visit https://paparksandforests.org/.
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Facebook: @PennsylvaniaParksAndForestsFoundation
Twitter: @PaPFF
Instagram: @paparksandforests
LinkedIn: Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation