Camp Hill, PA –The Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation (PPFF), the only non-profit whose mission is Pennsylvania’s state parks and forest, recognizes the outstanding service, programs, and exemplary work being done in state parks and forests by volunteers and staff with the announcement of its 2019 award winners.
This year’s winners will be honored at an awards banquet on Wednesday May 8, 2019 at the Susquehanna Club, New Cumberland. Additionally the banquet will be celebrating PPFF’s 20th Anniversary. Sponsorships for awards are available. More information and registration for the awards banquet is available on PPFF’s website,
“We always look forward to celebrating the accomplishments for the stewardship of our state parks, forests, and outdoor recreation,” said Marci Mowery, President of the Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation. “In 2019 we are celebrating PPFF’s 20th Anniversary and we owe a large part of our success to these committed volunteers and businesses.”
Award Winners:
Cliff Jones Keystone Legacy Award:
Larry Williamson, retired Director of DCNR’s Bureau of Recreation & Conservation, whose funding and technical assistance have strengthened conservation and education across the state.
President’s Award, National:
Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI) for their National outdoor programs #OptOutside and #ForceofNature.
President’s Award, State:
United by Blue for the outstanding efforts by the employees and volunteers to clean up Pennsylvania’s waterways.
Joe Ibberson Government Award:
Dan Devlin, former State Forester and a 40-year veteran in service to Pennsylvania’s natural resources.
Park of the Year:
Laurel Hill State Park Complex
Forest of the Year:
Bald Eagle State Forest
Education Award:
Friends of Washington Crossing State Park
Volunteerism Award:
Don Litten
Improvement, Group Award:
Clarion County North Country Trail Association
Improvement, Individual Award:
Ron and Donna Hirt