Without sand replenishment each year, Park Manager Matt Greene notes, Presque Isle’s beaches would be at a deficit and “the peninsula would slowly start to shrink and go away” in the long haul and face erosion damage to its buildings and roadways in the short term. (GoErie, 10/28/2020.)
People (and plovers) depend on the existence of sand dunes and rocky habitat. Your contribution to this ongoing need makes a huge difference in lives big and small.
You can support the effort to restore the dunes with your online contribution to the Dunes Restoration Fund. Donation checks, payable to Pennsylvania Parks & Forests Foundation (PPFF), can also be sent to Presque Isle State Park, ATTN: Dunes Restoration Fund, 301 Peninsula Dr, Erie, PA 16505.
These efforts are also supported by the sales of New Trail Brewing Company’s limited edition brew. The 7th in a series of brews featuring Pennsylvania’s state parks, proceeds from the sale of the beer will go directly to the park’s account.