A National Natural Landmark should receive more respect than that given it by vandals who use it for graffiti.
The National Natural Landmarks Program recognizes and encourages the conservation of sites that contain outstanding biological and geological resources. Sites are designated by the Secretary of the Interior for their condition, illustrative character, rarity, diversity, and value to science and education. The National Park Service administers the program and works cooperatively with landowners, managers and partners to promote conservation and appreciation of our nation’s natural heritage.
The iconic Hickory Run Boulder Field is one such place. After all, it’s been in place since the Wisconsin Glacial Period, some 20,000 years ago. Read more about the Boulder Field in the brochure produced by DCNR.
You can support the effort to keep the boulder field free of graffiti with your online contribution to the fund that helps to purchase the supplies needed in the fight. Donation checks, payable to Pennsylvania Parks & Forests Foundation (PPFF), can also be sent to Hickory Run State Park, ATTN: Boulder Field Anti-Graffiti, 3 Family Camp Road, White Haven, PA 18661.
Efforts to eradicate this pest (and fund other improvements in the park) are supported by the sales of New Trail Brewing Company’s limited edition brew. The 5th in a series of brews featuring Pennsylvania’s state parks, proceeds from the sale of the beer will go directly to the park’s account.