Pennsylvania’s state parks and forests offer adventure, wonder, and good times for you and your friends and family. PPFF is happy to help connect you to the fun.
Our free Explore Near flyers direct you to the parks and forests near where you live or where you plan to visit. Here’s just a few – find more at the Publications page under Family Fun & Games.
Need to build your skills or learn something new? Check out our comprehensive guide to Smartphone Apps for Your Outdoor Adventures and these other how-to guides. There’s plenty more in Skill Builders on the Publications page.
Some state parks and forests each contain wild, natural areas kept in an undeveloped state for passive recreation or study. Find an interactive map and more at our Publications page.
What do you know about the health benefits of going outside to play? There are many! This video and others on our YouTube channel are full of surprises and good information.

Discover the Forest is a project of the US Forest Service, the Ad Council, and other partners. Their interactive learning center includes many great ideas on getting started on outdoor adventures, including hiking, stargazing, learning to navigate, camping … There’s a little something for everyone!

“Real Life at Home” is a fun resource for printable activities and crafts for kids. We especially like the Nature Study activities pages to help train little eyes to see the wonder of the outdoors. Click the pic to pay the site a visit.
A good book is always a good idea. Find some ideas in our reading list or share an idea of your own! (Maybe one of these books will turn up in a Little Free Library like this one built by the Friends of Beltzville.)
Reading and discussing what you’ve read is a fun way to expand your enjoyment. The PPFF Book Club (virtual, monthly) is a great way to get your feet wet.